Dr Chris Walsh MBBS, DPM, FAChAM is a psychiatrist working in private practice at 108/306 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Chris also currently works with PTSD and attention Deficit Disorder although he has a broad range of experience dealing with a wide range of psychiatric disorders. He has a strong commitment to working collaboratively with his patients and in promoting use of mindfulness and awareness of family issues.  Chris has a great deal of experience in a variety of psychotherapies.
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  • Chris’s Blog 

  • www.mindfulnesstraining.info

    Mindfulness meditation is now receiving scientific validation as an adjunct to conventional psychological and medical therapies. With mindfulness we move from being buffeted by the eddies and currents of our thoughts feelings and urges to calmly watching the stream of consciousness going by.

    This site is designed to assist people who are interested in the integration of mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy and medical therapies for their own wellbeing, for the purpose of enhancing the therapeutic relationship or to improve the quality of clinical interventions.


    Mindful Re-presentations (MRs) have evolved from family constellations. They are a way of looking at the family or organisation as a whole without scapegoating or blaming. A mindful re-presentation is a brief intervention that can reveal creative and unexpected solutions that emerge out of taking a broader perspective than is possible in other approaches. This work emerged out of psychotherapy, family therapy, group therapy, systems theory and phenomenology.

  • Distinguishing features of Mindful Representations are:
    • A strong commitment by practitioners to maintain their own personal daily mindfulness practice that supports a deep mindful presence in representations. This allows surprising and useful insights to emerge during representations. Due to the mindful presence these insights are experienced not just as ideas but as deep embodied realisations.


    • A strong respect for reality and known facts. That helps to ground the insights so that they remain relevant and useful.

    MRs can be used to help deal with interpersonal problems in both families and organizations. It can help families deal with other issues such as alcoholism and other addictions, psychiatric disorders, serious medical illnesses, adoption, grief and separation.MRs can help organizations function more effectively dealing with such issues as restructuring and communication problems. Individuals who somehow feel held back from living life to their full potential may also benefit.

    MRs can help organizations function more effectively dealing with such issues as restructuring and communication problems. Individuals who somehow feel held back from living life to their full potential may also benefit.

    Dr Walsh runs regular mindful Representation workshops, the details of which can be found on this website.